The travel tap micro water filter.
By drink safe systems.

For many years I have used different water filters while out hiking and wild camping in the wilderness using water from streams, lakes and rivers. I have been impressed by many types. I began using the steripens that used the ultraviolet light but this did not clear the water of any mud or sediment.
I discovered the travel tap while browsing the net for another method of filtering water which was quicker and came across the travel tap water filter.

Nothing is so quicker and easier to use, it is literally a matter of filling the bottle up from a stream or water source, replace the lid and drink… it’s as simple as that, just fill and go.
The filter traps and retains debris, attracts chemicals and compounds removing causes of disease and sickness that may be found in freshwater sources like Harmful bacteria, protozoa, schistomas and viruses. These include cryptosporidium oocysts, giardia, E-coli, viruses, anthrax

This has to be the best filter i have used yet. Water born diseases that might be found in freshwater include Vibrio cholerae, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, and the diarrheagenic E-Coli, Cryptosporidium, giardia, bilharzia from parasitics in snails, weilsâ disease, Norwalk, and many others but the Drinksafe-systems filter bottle removes all of these. It’s also the only systems to have been UK Govt laboratory tested for instant removal of Anthrax. (UK MoD testing) .
If your interested in purchasing this amazing filter then just click on the link for the best deals and supplier.